Telepathy and Remote Influence: Are They More Effective When The Target Is Alseep?

If you've ever studdied the subject of telepathy, psychic influence or remote seduction, chances are you've come across claims that the best times to perform your sessions are while the target (the person you are trying to influence) is asleep. The thinking goes that they will be more receptive to psychic influence during those times simply because their defences are down and they have no way of fighting the thought waves or rationaliziing about them.

In fact our thought waves are capable of reaching a target at any time of day, whether they are awake or asleep, busy or not. However there are points in the day where the effect appears to have a greater impact. The times when the person is especially receptive to psychic influence are either when they are asleep, or when they are awake but in an "alpha" state (a relaxed, "daydreaming" state), or in a "theta" state ( just bordering on sleep).

If you attempt to connect with your target while they sleep, there will be no resistance to your thoughts, since his/her ability to fight them is deactivated. Your thoughts will enter their subconcious mind more easily this way. The influence may wake them with thoughts about the particular subject that the influencer wanted to get across, about the sender of the thoughts, or with certain feelings that the sender wished them to experience. If not, when they do finally wake up, they will be affected by the thought waves that were transmitted to them. If the sender has been skillful enough, the target may feel themselves thinking constantly about what they experienced during the night, possibly feeling obsessed with the thoughts, feeling urges to act on them. If they have been remotely influenced or sent a telepathic message, they may have the urge to act on that message. If they have been a target of remote seduction, they may find themselves feeling arousal or attraction to the sender - even if they don't quite know who they are.


Possibly the very best time of all to send your thoughts to another person, if you can manage to stay up that late yourself, is at 3:am or the "witching hour". There is something about this hour that makes psychic influence much more potent. In folklore, this hour is associated with supernatural events, but it is also a time of night when most people are in very deep sleep. Thus, they are even more susceptible to psychic influence.

If the target is riding on a bus, meditating, carrying out a repetitive task (such as sweeping or washing dishes), or watching some mundane television program, they will find themselves being naturally transported to the daydreaming state of alpha. In this case they will still be highly receptive to the broadcasted thought waves. If you are transmitting a specific scene, emotion, thought or sensation from your mind to theirs, they will start experiencing the same thing. Again, depending on the kind of influence that is being carried out, they may feel an urge to obey a command, to contact the person who is connecting with them and/or to experience erotic feelings.

Conversely, when the target is busy, in the middle of a heated discussion, or stressed out, they will generally be less receptive to psychic influence. During those times they may either get the signals more weakly, or else your thoughts may bypass them altogether. Therefore it is a good idea to avoid those times where you feel your target might be less open to your thought waves. Some people will be quite aware of their target's daily routine and be able to pinpoint when they might be asleep or lounging at home. Others will have no idea of their target's day-to-day activities. In that case they would have to make a rough guess, based on time zones and the daily habits of most people.

Bear in mind that mind-to-mind communication can (and often does) impact a target in delay. It's as if the sent thought waves are capable of going "on hold" for later transmission, rather in the way that a computer is able to send pre-set reminders to its user at a future time or date. So if you happen to do a session while the person's mind is too busy to receive your thoughts, all may not be lost. Often your influence will reach them later on - even several hours later (and possibly even a couple of days later) - when the mind has had a chance to quieten down.

All things considered, knowing the best times to influence the target can be used to our advantage in order to create greater impact. However, even if you are unable to do your sessions during an ideal moment in the day, keep in mind that with practice our thoughts can get through to the person - at least to some extent - anyway. Far better to do your sessions during busier times of day - if that is all you can manage - than to do nothing at all.


  1. Hi,
    Thank you so much , for replying it means a lot and your insights are invaluable and very helpful. I mean i couldn't find any one to talk to or get answers .But your reply is great .

    Abt the sessions well in the beginning they were very regular almost daily for months .
    let me explain i first started the sessions before she was married , we were together ..But..........She takes off.. Yes looking back over the last few years i think she did display some signs ( don't know how to put it , its been a while) ..Suddenly she is in another country and married ...Any way off and on ( But very intensely) i continued ( as i was really enjoying them and not really looking for results i mean just for the amazing fulfilling experience)...And the fact that i simply could not get her outta my mind .. Nor could i focus on any one else ( FOR RS) and get the same satisfying experience( i mean RS with her is like a REAL THING )
    anyway i still RS her for a few days and then force my self to stop ( telling myself this is crazy and i gotta move on and stuff) ....So this is my actual PROBLEM ...even when i stop i some how find myself back ( once i stopped for months) its on RS and off RS ( i am going crazy????
    One more thing when ever i am RSing her and even after the session i have on numerous occasions actually felt as if i was some how getting through to her or my thoughts were hitting her in a positive accepting sort of a way ...

    No she doesnt have kids ( even though its been a few years) as she is friends with a common friend of ours on Face book ...another strange thing our common friend told me was that she is very restless ( meaning taking lot a short trips , holidays almost like 3-4 times a month just to stay refreshed ) and that once she went out for a couple of days on a holiday with her Girl friends and when asked about her Husband ?? she replied " he was busy in work so ..took a girls trip"....( this was in the first year of her marriage) ..DUNNO maybe couples take Holidays like this ??..-)
    Then all of a sudden she Blocks me on FB ?? strange as we were never connected at all on FB ( and just by chance i realized i was blocked by her) ...
    I think i have already taken a lotta ure time
    Thnks again

    1. "Yes looking back over the last few years i think she did display some signs ( don't know how to put it , its been a while) .." - I would have been very surprised if she hadn't shown at least some kind of reaction, given the nature of your past friendship and your persistant RS.
      "And the fact that I simply could not get her outta my mind .. Nor could i focus on any one else ( FOR RS) and get the same satisfying experience( i mean RS with her is like a REAL THING ) " - It sounds like you are very connected with this person. When someone is never far from our thoughts, there's a fair chance that we are on their mind as well. There is a bond that runs silently between you both even now, despite the distance and the passing of time, and that connection is being cultivated and strengthened with your RS.

      "One more thing when ever i am RSing her and even after the session i have on numerous occasions actually felt as if i was some how getting through to her or my thoughts were hitting her in a positive accepting sort of a way ..." - This sensing the other person's reactions and feeling close to them is fairly common with RS. As I mentioned before, you have created a bond with your target, and she will be sensing and reacting to it (which in turn you will also feel). It becomes a two-way process. That doesn't mean she necessarily intends to reach out, but it does very likely mean that she is feeling your energy and responding to it. Again, I say that her married status (or even some other reason) may be what is preventing her from acting on her feelings.

      About her blocking strange as it may seem, this can actually be a sign that your RS could be affecting her. A lot of people who use RS find themselves blocked on social media because the target can't handle the strong emotions/attraction that they feel for the RS-er. I have written about it in various posts here. I mean, if you truly did not try to contact her, but now out of the blue you find that you are blocked......why would she take the trouble to block you if you had been leaving her alone all this time? It rather points to the fact that she is attempting to run away from her feelings, no?

      Now, for your problem. As far as I know, once you have created a bond with the target, it will always be in danger of resurfacing from time to time. However, if you stop RSing her and don't ever return to your sessions, it will eventually fade into the background and hopefully you will be able to move on. Think of it in the same way you might if you had a broken arm. The break would eventually heal, but from now on, you will always be more vulnerable to a flare-up than you were before you ever had the injury. If you were to never RS her again, the feelings will fade, but if you are in contact with her again, or think intensely of her again (or if she ever thinks intensely of you), then the feelings will resurface for both of you and then you will have to understand them for what they are and allow them to fade into the background once more.

    2. Thanks for the lovely reply ..i have read it countless times ..You really know this Business ..-) Boy am i glad i stumbled across your Blog Fate i suppose,,-) . about the blocking as i remember we now live in different time zones ( so it must have been either dead of nite or like 5 or 6 am) when she blocked are rite she did take the trouble especially since we were not connected on FB ( i told her i am way beyond long distance relationships and that since we see each other almost daily so ..wats the point) ...You are rite about the bond ...i mean who could have thought ..the day we met i almost freaked out , i mean i wanted to stay away ( like in not having any relationship at all).. i just wanted her to go away some how know i just didnt want any hassle ....But again Fate ....)

  2. Sorry to barge in again, just one thing all my sessions have been with her ol pics near me ...I mean i still kept a few i suppose all my intense focus and stuff is directed when i am, actually seeing her as well in a way ( the pic) ......dunno if thats wrong or anything ...) Ummmm even if i delete i can still see her on FB or google ...and our common friend tells me that she has never uploaded her wedding or anniversary or any sort of a Holiday pic with her Husband i mean Not a single couple sorta pic ? Strange ..Ummmm...even during the first few months of the marriage( maybe the husband is shy or is not on FB or she wants him protected or something)

    1. In my experience, using a photograph can intensify the telepathic connection between you and your target. I once remember doing a telepathic experiment (I'd read how to in a book somewhere) where I stared at the target's photo and imagined the message I wanted to send going through to their mind. This I continued for around half an hour. It worked. Photographs can work wonders for your sessions.
      Just my opinion, but I would suggest you don't do anything rash like deleting the photos of her. If you suddenly find yourself desperately wanting to see her image again you will surely regret not having the pictures anymore. Put them away somewhere if you don't want to look at them or if you want to forget her.
      One thing I would say to you is that I feel nothing is impossible if you believe it to be that way. You may find some comfort in reading the work of Neville Goddard, who finally married the woman he loved, against all the odds, despite being married to someone else at first.
      Hope this helps!

    2. wow thanks a lot again...It may sound strange but when i started RSing her , before she took off one day i just saw her Face book profile ( we were not connected on FB and she had not blocked me at the time) guess wat i came across, a Quote "whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve- Napoleon Hill.... Dunno it may still be there maybe... yes i am familiar with Goddard came his work across on You Tube ,You are absolutely rite about photographs , in the first few months just for a little fun , this is wat i did i placed her pic and focused on it using a Home made pendulum sorta contraption anyway to dowse for answers like in yes no i recall after a few days i manged to get her hometowns Dialing code ( thats wat you dial before the actual number on Land based lines) 061...then i asked her if she actually knew the dialing code ?? and she said of course i know my own home towns dialing code its 061....another thing was a previous broken relationship ( which i didnt know) but while dowsing it always said Yes ..anyway a year later when she had left her friend casually told me of her earlier broken relation ship ..-_) Cool Stuff..i stopped that ages ago i always felt drained ...and it was exhausting ..

    3. Yes, dowsing can be incredibly powerful and I can understand you being drained from it. But your skill is clearly impressive, and it's nice to know you can call upon this technique whenever you need it!
      With regards to your situation, if it were me, I might use a double-pronged approach by boosting the RS sessions with some short, regular imaginal scenes of (Neville Goddard's term) "The Wish Fulfilled". That will not only work on the target telepathically, to make her feel drawn to you, but it will also set things in motion in a way that will affect your reality as you want it to. :-)

  3. yes ,
    Thats a great idea , i did see neville goddard techniques and will take em up again ...Thank you once again for your help

  4. Hi Hi,
    Two things I wanted to share with you .
    First .I am trying hard to move on like you said
    “Now, for your problem. As far as I know, once you have created a bond with the target, it will always be in danger of resurfacing from time to time. However, if you stop RSing her and don't ever return to your sessions, it will eventually fade into the background and hopefully you will be able to move on. Think of it in the same way you might if you had a broken arm. The break would eventually heal, but from now on, you will always be more vulnerable to a flare-up than you were before you ever had the injury. If you were to never RS her again, the feelings will fade, but if you are in contact with her again, or think intensely of her again (or if she ever thinks intensely of you), then the feelings will resurface for both of you and then you will have to understand them for what they are and allow them to fade into the background once more.
    But here is thing Yeah u guessed it ….the earlier RS sessions still seem to have a hold over me , I simply cannot take her outta my mind even after years of no Contact and only RS on my part ...Ummm is it normal ?+ I keep comparing this new lady with “Her” how this one is no match to her etc etc .in fact RS with the EX even now is more fulfilling than having a chat with this new woman.? Wats the problem?
    More Importantly I did an RS session very mild without Picture on this new woman nothing compared to the ones I did before .But the next day I asked her how she felt? And step by step wat ever I visualized she kinda felt it all….i mean I asked her was it a room ,? a quite nice place where we were together ? she said yes were you getting feelings of me being a very nice guy she said yes etc etc .i asked her are you more comfortable with me now ? she said yes? + were the feelings kinda Intimate/Sexual? She said yes .. the exact time also coincided with when I started my RS with her … To cut a long story short she Freaked out .l.0) I didn’t tell her abt RS ( don’t intend to ) but it was kinda experiment for me ..-)

  5. Another Things i did , as we were talking over the phone on another occassion ( i had her picture in front of me) now after a few minutes i started RS and her tone and our conversation which uptil then was normal changed altogather ..I dunno if i can write it here or not ..But ill try to cut it short by the time we hung up the phone and the RS ended this woman ( In real Time) had an orgasm u Know understand wat i am trying to say ......) wat do u make of it ?


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