How to Use a Psi Ball for Telepathy or Remote Influence.

Once you have learned how to make a psi ball (see the previous post on how to form one), You can use it in a number of ways: you can make it into a thought-form by charging it with a message and sending it to the person of your choice. You can send a specific thought or command (eg; "Call Diana"), or a particular emotion that you would like them to feel (eg; love, affection, empathy, guilt).  You can send healing energy to somebody who is unwell (but do remember that this should be a compliment - and not a substitute - for conventional medical treatment).

If your wish is to send a telepathic message, you can hold the ball in your hands and start to bring the visual image of your target (the person or people who you wish to send your mental message to) into your mind. Make more of a connection by calling out their name several times, and then once you feel you have linked to them (often you will feel a sinking in your solar plexus, or a psychic "jolt" when you connect), imagine a thought, a mental picture, or an emotion that you would like to send to them. Imagine that the thought or emotion is moving from you into the psi ball. If for example, you would like your target to feel love or attraction toward you, spend a few minutes bringing up the feeling of unconditional love in your heart, while holding the ball in your hands. Imagine the love flowing like electric water from a hose, from your heart, through your arms and hands, out into the the psi ball. Or if you have a certain command or mental picture, project it from your third eye in a trail of energy that travels into the ball. If you wish to turn your target on or make them feel sexually attracted to you, imagine the feeling of sexual pleasure/ecstasy, them craving your touch, and so on. Keep the energy flowing into the ball until you reach a point where intuitively it feels like "enough".

Once you have arrived at the point where you feel ready to end the session, imagine releasing or tossing the ball up into the air. Then watch it float away, embarking on its chosen course, leaving a glittering trail of energy in its wake. Finally, see the ball entering the head of your target, or the energy showering them from head to toe, and see them being affected by it.

Hold a confident, relaxed attitude when you use your psi ball, and quietly expect it to bring results. Maintain secrecy and you will have a greater chance of success. Be sure to only use a psi-ball for telepathy if you are in a reasonably positive or neutral state of mind, since negative thoughts could be passed to the target as well as the thoughts you are attempting to send. 


  1. I love using the psi ball, so far it has worked everytime. I give colors, smokey atmosphere, glitter and I swear it works. I've manifested many things through the use of it~ It helps enhancing your confidence as a Mage, witch, healer, etc. In the wrong hands is dangerous. Be blessed and happy magick😘


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