How to Remote Influence or Seduce Someone Using a Photograph


In this post we will be concentrating on how to use a photo of your target for remote seduction & remote influence. Using a photographic image has long been a magick staple, partly because it creates a stronger link between the practitioner and the target. In a similar way, using a photo can be incorporated into remote seduction sessions. Anyone can use the technique, but it is especially helpful for those who haven't yet trained their minds to visualize clearly and need a quick way to fuel the imagination.

The photo serves as a guideline for your mental fantasies and you will be doing your sessions open-eyed, with the image in front of you. Other than that, there is not much difference between this technique and the regular kinds of RS/RI outlined in previous posts devoted to the topic. 

You will need a photo of the target that clearly shows their face (one pulled off the internet will do) and has no other people in it.  If it is impossible to get a picture that shows that person only, then you must erase everyone else - either by using photo editing software - or by simply cutting the other images out with scissors or blocking with a marker pen. The image doesn't have to be life-size and it doesn't need to include the person's full body (you can effectively make that up in your mind as you visualize), but the photo must be sufficiently clear for you to see their facial features, particularly their eyes. 

 For Remote Seduction

If it is a physical photo, one option is to stick it on the wall directly in front of you. Or you can simply get hold of a photo (even one on your phone or laptop), then find a comfortable space where you won't be disturbed and once relaxed, begin mentally stroking and fondling the person. Rather than simply acting it all out in your mind as yoou would with regular RS, you physically move your hands as if you are really doing what you are imagining. Lift your hand, and without actually touching the photo, go through all the motions of caressing your target's face and body. You are literally caressing the space in front of you, but the session should be so vivid that it literally feels like your target's features beneath your fingertips. Look into their eyes, whisper seductively into their ears and have them say the things that you want to hear from them. See their reactions. And that's it! The technique is extremely simple, but using these real actions instead of  simply visualizing them will make the experience feel especially authentic and satisfying. 

For Remote Influence

If you are attempting to influence a target, simply go through the normal steps of any particular technique you are using, but this time do it with eyes open and looking at the person's photograph. Concentrate especially on their eyes, their third eye, and if you are going whisper a command, remember to lean forward and actually say what you want to say into their ears. 
