How to Create a Psi Ball

In this post I will give the basic instructions for creating a psi ball. Psi balls are condensed masses of psychic energy that you collect and manipulate within a space between your hands. They have a variety of uses, such as sending an emotion or thought to another person. They can be used for good or for evil.: they can send healing energy, or they can harm their target. They are somewhat similar to servitors in that they will do whatever simple task you wish them to do, but comparing the two kinds of entity, psi balls are much more basic and are not capable of doing very complicated things. They also have a much shorter lifespan than most servitors and tend to be used once only. However, they are extremely direct and capable of making quite an impact on a target. Thus, they are very useful for influencing people from a distance. Alternatively they can be used to charge inanimate objects - such as a piece of jewelery or a crystal or piece of furniture -- with a chosen type of energy. Most commonly, they are spherical in shape, but once you've got the hang of making them, you can mold them like clay into any  form you wish. Their size and density can vary according to your wishes, although most people tend to have them anywhere between the size of a tennis ball and a basket ball. However, they can be made large enough to encompass an entire body, or your body and your target's body.  Although requiring a degree of focused concentration, they are easy to make and the skill doesn't take long to master.

Sit comfortably on a chair or cross legged on the floor, with your hands on your lap in front of you, as if you were holding a small-ish imaginary ball. It is up to you whether you do this exercise with open or closed eyes. Now you are going to pull in energy from a chosen source that will fill that space between your hands. Sources can be the Cosmos, from the earth, from your own body, from an electric storm, and so on. When I make a psi ball, I like to draw energy down from the Cosmos and/or up from the earth, rather than just from my own body, since using energy from these other sources avoids me  depleting myself, which could leave me feeling drained.

So now imagine the energy of the earth flowing up your tailbone, down your arms and into the gap between your hands. Next, imagine the energy from the universe coming in through the crown of your head, flowing down your neck, through your arms, and out of your hands again. Imagine the energy of the earth and the energy of the cosmos flowing like water from a hose and mingling together as they form a ball of energy between your palms. Keep packing the energy into the ball for as long as you wish, but try to keep it up for at least a couple of minutes. As you gather the energy between your hands, you will feel heat building up within the empty space. You may also feel the ball as "solid". Often when I press my hands against the ball I can feel its density quite clearly, and pressing against that density seems to condense and hardern the energy ball even more. Or I can stretch it out to expand it and give it a light, bubble-like texture.

People often see their energy construct as a globe of white light, but in fact you can make it any colour you wish it to be. Mine usually looks a lot like a glowing, golden orb, but that is just the way I like to do things. If you are sending energy to somebody, you can bring the chakras into play. For example, if you are sending love to a person, you might prefer to imagine the energy as green (which represents the heart chakra) or pink, and you may wish to imagine the energy flowing into the ball from yor heart area. If you are sending sexual/erotic feelings, you might want to imagine the energy as warm, glowing orange (which corresponds with the sacral chakra), and so on. Or you might prefer to use a combination of colours and energies, depending on the effect you are wishing to create.

 At this point you can either leave it as a sphere shape, or you can mold it into other forms of your choice. If you are interested in sacred geometry, you might want to transform your psi ball into a tetrahedron or a cube shape, for example, in order to enhance its power.

Some people use a technique known as "shelling", which is to imagine a protective outer coating or shell for your psi construct. This will help to keep the energy securely locked in the shape you have created, and avoids leakage. This could be especially useful if you are doing any extensive psychic work with the ball. You could mentally picture your ball being covered with blue water that suddenly freezes and hardens to "ice", for example. Or you could imagine it covered with glowing, volcanic-like lava that cools and solidifies to form a hard shell.

Now your psi construct is ready to do your bidding! It can be programmed with your intention and sent to any target, be it a person or place, or an object.
