Candle Magick - A Basic Ritual

Candle magick is one of the least complicated of all magick rituals. Yet for all its simplicity, it can be extremely effective and is popular with both novices and experienced practitioners alike. The basic element of fire plus strong intent and emotion are part of what makes it so very powerful. A ritual can be performed anywhere and doesn't require an altar or any elaborate kind of set-up. 

Basic Candle Ritual:

All you need is a candle in the appropriate colour (different colours have different energies) and a quiet spot where you will not be disturbed. For example, you could sit on a chair with the candle on a table in front of you. Be very clear in advance about your intention and exactly what you wish to achieve with the spell. Spend a few days planning it, if necessary.

Light the candle (it needs to be a fresh, new candle; don't re-use ones from past workings). Take a few deep breaths and get relaxed in any way that you wish and then focus on the hypnotic flame. While looking into the flame, start to visualize the specific result you wish to achieve. If it is love, imagine the person you are interested in to be passionately in love with you and bring what you want them to feel into your own heart. If it is money, what is it that you want to achieve with that money and how would it feel? Be as specific as you can with this. Feel the emotions that you would be having if the particlar scenario were really real. Bring those emotions to a high point and then send the the feelings and the scene flowing from your third eye into the flame that is flickering in front of you. Spend as long as you want on your ritual, but once you feel your mind start to wander, take it as a signal to end the spell. The next step is to state your intention, wording it as if it has already manifested or happened (eg "John burns with desire for only me") and finally say "It is done" or "So be it", and now snuff the candle out (don't blow it out) or let the candle burn away with the energy you have created in it.

And that's it! Once the ritual is completed, it really is "done". Banish it from your mind and immediately turn your attention to other things. Read a magazine. Watch a movie. Go for a walk. Anything that will distract you from the ritual you have done and the outcome you want is a good idea at this point. The "forgetting about it" is a very important part of the process and a key to the success of the ritual.

Note: It's very important whenever using flames of any sort to take the necessary, common-sense precautions, so as to avoid a fire. Keep the burning candle well away from other objects and from flammable substances.

Candle Colour Guide:

Different colour candles can be used for different outcomes. Here is a short guide to colours and their specific uses in this form of magick:

White: purity; peace; protection; cleansing

Black: influencing a person's thoughts and feelings; baneful magick; getting someone to bend to your will; protection; can reverse a curse

Green: wealth/prosperity; Growth; ambitions; rejuvenation; health

Red: love; lust; sex; passion; anger; jealousy.

Yellow: Success; artistic creativity; improve relationships

Violet/Purple: psychic and spiritual gifts/powers/ protection; power

Pink: love/romance

Blue/Indigo: meditation

Brown: manifestation; intuition; wealth.

Candle Magick Minus the Candle: 

If for whatever reason you don't wish to burn a candle but you still want the benefits of candle magick, it is possible to do the ritual without a candle. However, it requires a good degree of visual skill, concentration and focus. Simply close your eyes and perfom the ritual, imagining the candle and its dancing flame in front of you in your mind's eye, with the wax dyed in the colour that is best for your goal. Go through all the steps of a chosen ritual in your mind, and make it as realistic as possible.
