How the Moon Affects Our Psychic and Magickal Powers



Since ancient times the powers of the moon have played an important part in the folklore and legend of almost every culture. The full moon in particular is known to have immense energy that is said to give an extra punch to many spiritual, psychic, and magickal practices. 

Moonlight is actually sunlight reflected by the moon, which is energy. It affects the waves in the ocean and like a woman, it has its monthly cycle. All of the phases of that cycle can be helpful for different purposes, depending on what your specific goals are. A detailed description of the phases of the moon can be checked out on the official NASA website (

As far as magic goes, a full moon makes for a gorgeous backdrop if spells are cast outdoors at night, and can give a powerful psychological boost. Many people prefer to arrange their workings to coincide with the different moon phases, believing it will make them even more potent. The waxing moon is said to be a good time for renewal, to include rituals that bring things into your life or increase them (love, for example), for binding spells, or to begin a new phase in something. Conversely, the waning moon is the ideal phase  (especially during that of the dark moon) for closing things, for moving things away from you, for performing banishing rituals, and so on.

 The full moon in particular is a great time to charge any crystals, gems or metals that you have. Leave them in the moonlight overnight, on a bed of earth if you can manage it (since earth has its own potent energy), and retrieve them the following morning.

  In terms of psychic perception, certain lunar phases can enhance your sessions, while others less so. If you are deliberately using any form of telepathy or remote influence, you may find that your results are more dramatic during the waxing and full moon phase. The full moon amplifies our emotions, so in the case of remote seduction and telepathy, where emotions play a vital role, one can take advantage of this by having longer, more intense, or more frequent sessions during this time. 

Having said the above, it's important to understand that although the different phases of the moon can give a boost, spells or psionic work can be effective regardless of the phase that they were performed in. You may get the urge to cast a spell or to perform a telepathy ritual at any time, whether it's ideal or not, and that's perfectly fine. The bottom line is, if you BELIEVE that a waning moon will weaken your telepathic powers, or that a waxing moon will super-charge your love spells, then your results will be affected accordingly.
