How to Create a Sigil and What You Can Use it For


 Sigils are symbols that are used in magick rituals. In traditional magick, they contain seals of entities such as angels or demons that the magician wishes to summon in order to have them perform a chosen task.  In chaos magick, however, sigils are glyphs that represent the desired outcome of the practitioner and are used to manifest things, happenings and situations. They are a fun, versatile and effective way to bring something specific into your life, be it money, romance, success, protection, health, influencing another person, personal change, or any specific outcome you wish for. If you are interested in creating servitors, then sigils play an important role in there creation.  There are no limits to what can be achieved with them. 

There are many different ways to create and develop a sigil, but the simple methods can be just as effective as the more elaborate ones. It is really the intent that you generate during the sigil's creation that is the secret of its potency. During the process of making the sigil (including the planning of it that you before actually drawing it out) you should keep your mind focused very much on your intent.

You can either design your own sigils or you can use one that has been created by somebody else. Both have their advantages. Often ones that have been created by someone else have been used by many people and have accumulated energy with the passing of time and repeated use that will make them especially potent. On the other hand, a sigil designed by you will be very personal and tailored especially to meet your own unique needs. 

You can also use the method called shoaling, where several different sigils are created and charged for one main aim that you have. For example, if you are an artist you may want to creat one sigil for creativity, one for commision, another for your work to be exhibited, another for the sales of your paintings, another for your work to gain huge popularity, and so on. These sigils are all drawn out together on, say, one sheet of paper and then fired at the same time.

Sigils can be drawn on paper, carved into candles (which can then be burned when you want to fire your sigil), painted onto firewood, etched out in clay, and so on. Their power can be charged by applying blood, menstrual blood, or sexual fluid to the design over several days or weeks.

Once the sigil has been created, it's usually best to forget it as completely as possible.

Here is a basic method to create a sigil using a pen or pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of plain paper: 

1 - Spend a few minutes thinking about your intention and imagining how you would feel if it had already happened.  Feel all of the emotions that you would have if your goal had actually been reached. Really live out the fantasy and make it as authentic as possible.

2 - Having lived it all first, and still holding it all firmly in your mind, write out your intention on the piece of paper. Be as specific about your intent as you can because the important thing is work with words that have power for you. Limit it to one simple sentence. Do not make the mistake of phrasing it in future tense, since it would suggest that what you want is something that hasn't happened yet. The phrase needs be written in the present tense, implying that you already have attained what you want. For example:

My artwork sells like hotcakes

3 - With the written intention in front of you, cross out or erase all the vowels and repeated letters from the sentence. Having done that, you should be left with the base for your sigil, which should look something like this:


4- Using the remaining letters, arrange them together in a drawing to form one glyph. This is the basic structure for your sigil:

 5- Spend some time refining your design and making it bolder. Have fun with it and make your sigil look pleasing to you. It needn't be a work of art, but it should feel right to you. It can be as basic as the one pictured below, or it can be made into something much more refined and artistic. Once you are satisfied with the design in pencil, you may wish to go over it in black ink so that it stands out clearly from the paper it has been drawn on. Many people like to finish their work by framing the symbol with a circle or two (the circles are thought to protect the sigil's energy, as well as giving it added power):

6 - Once you are satisfied with your sigil, you need to charge it. This can be done just the once, or repeatedly over a few days or a few weeks, and will infuse the sigil with energy. Keep in mind that the moment it has been created, the sigil will start working for you. One of the most popular and potent ways to charge it is through sexual energy. Sexual energy is a powerful force, which is one of the reasons why sex magick is so popular. While masturbating or having sex with someone, fix your gaze on the sigil just as you are reaching the point of orgasm and hold it there all the way through to the end. This takes a bit of practice and willpower to master, but most people will not find it too difficult. Spreading some of your own sexual fluid over the sigil will further add to its potency. Pricking a finger and wiping the sigil with your own blood is another way to charge the sigil, although many people will be squeamish at such a practice. If these forms of magick don't appeal to you, another fairly effective way to charge your sigil is to gaze (never stare) over it during meditation. Don't focus on your intention while charging the sigil - simply gaze through the lines of the design into the empty space behind it, so that the image appears to stand out a little from the paper. The sensation of doing this is rather curious and you may find that the sigil begins to appear in 3D after a while.

When you are not actively charging the sigil, fold it up and hide it away in a secret place where no one else can see it (such as between the pages of your journal or grimoire). 

7 - After the days or weeks have passed comes the moment to activate your sigil by destroying it. This is a way to send your intent out to the universe so that it can do its job. You can do this by burning it, or if you don't want to use fire, by tearing it up and burying it, or shredding it and throwing it in the trash. Burning is a way of releasing the intent to the universe, but not everybody feels good about doing this.  Affirm "It is done". Now the ritual is complete and you must turn your attention to something else, such as an unrelated task or by watching a movie, going for a walk, and so on. After activating the sigil, it is essential for the success of the working to avoid thinking about it or the intention anymore. Put it completely out of mind from now on and allow the magick to do its work. 

Some people don't destroy their sigils. Instead they energize them for a while and then keep them hidden away in a book of sigils and forget about them until the next time that they need them. There are no rules here; just do what you find works best for you.
