Sending a Telepathic Message - Simple and Effective Method


Communicating telepathically with somebody is an innate ability that we are all blessed with. There are still tribes in some parts of the world who deliberately use telepathy as a natural part of their everyday life, and most of us can remember a time when we thought of someone and then that person contacted us, or we missed someone and the next time we encountered each other, that person mentioned having the same feelings. Or you can be talking to a friend and they finish your sentence. The following method is basic and easy to master, but extremely effective, particularly if you want somebody to feel what you wish them to feel. It can reach the target person whether they are right beside you or on the other side of the world. The more you practice this skill, the better and more consistent your results will be:

For this exercise, it is best to choose a target who you know reasonably well and preferably have a close relationship with, such as a relative, lover, or close friend. 

Choose a time when you are free from any stress or tension. Before beginning the session, it's important to have decided what feeling, words, mental image (or a combination of all three) that you wish to get across. Spend a little time planning and keep it short, simple, and to the point. The target's mind will not be able to process elaborate messages or images.

If possible, have ready a photograph of the person (either a printed photo or one you have pulled out of the internet, etc), preferably one where you can look clearly into their eyes. This step is optional, but it will provide a sympathetic link between the two of you and will increase the connection. 

When you practice telepathy, it is helpful to avoid being around things that could rob you of some of your psychic energy or interfere with the connection. Work in an uncluttered, dust free environment where you will not be disturbed. Turn off all electric appliances (phone, television, computer, and so on), and find a restful place to relax.

If you can manage to do this session when the target is asleep, then so much the better (3am or in the half hour before you think the target will wake up are the absolute best times), but if this is not possible, try to arrange for a time when you think they might be fairly relaxed.

Once you have settled down, spend a few minutes looking at the photograph you have chosen. Gaze deeply into the target's eyes and think a little about the message you would like to send them. 

Now close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and relax in any way that feels best. Some people like to count down from 10-1, while others feel best by imagining themselves stepping slowly down a flight of stairs. Choose whatever feels right for you. 

Having relaxed fully, imagine the target in front of you. The initial step of looking at the photograph will hopefully have etched it into your mind's eye, giving a mental image that is clearer than normal. If not, it doesn't matter: just having a "sense" of them being there will be enough to psychically summon them to you. Look into the person's eyes and in your mind, repeat their name a few times. Speak clearly and with authority, as if grabbing their attention. Try to focus on a line of energy flowing from your solar plexus into theirs. At this point you may feel some sensations that indicate you have connected. You may experience a sinking sensation that feels like you are going down in an elevator or an inner "jolt". You may feel energy or pressure building in your third eye. You may feel that everything in the outside world has faded into the background, and there is only you and that person. Everybody is different, but pay attention for signs that tell you intuitively that a psychic link has been established. 

At this point you can send the target your psychic message. If you are sending words or a simple mental image, think about them clearly for a few moments, then imagine them travelling through an imaginary tube from your third eye into their third eye, or if you prefer, from your eyes into their eyes. With words, try to feel the emotion of what you are saying as you send them.

An open minded, playful attitude is essential here. Try not to get caught up in worrying about whether it will work or whether it is possible, and so on. Assume that you have connected with the person and that you are able to communicate with them. Just let go and allow it to happen.

 Of all forms of telepathic communication, emotions are perhaps the easiest and most effective to send. They can also be the most powerful since strong emotions (love, desire, longing, anger, etc) are packed with energy and they can make the target feel what you feel. You can send them instead of or in addition to the words or images you are broadcasting. If you are wishing to send a feeling, allow it to build up in your heart first for a few moments until you feel it as strongly as possible. Really immerse yourself in the emotion and then fire it in a stream of energy into the target's heart and solar plexus areas. See it flowing out like water from a hose. Imagine him or her being flooded with the emotion and see them reacting to it in the way that you wish.

Keep this up for as long as you like. A few minutes is usually enough, after which you may sense a dip in the energy, or you might begin to feel yourself disconnecting with the target. This will be a signal that you have done all you can and that it is time for you to stop. With practice you will come to intuitively know when that point is.

Once you feel satisfied with what you have sent, you can end the session. You can communicate with the person this way just the once, or you may wish to repeat it once or twice daily, until you feel that they have totally absorbed the message.
