Servitors: How to Create Your Very Own Magical Entity


 Imagine how great it would be to have your very own magical being at your beck and call: one you could give instructions to and then send out into the world to fulfil your every wish? Well, many chaos magicians do have such a being - or even many such beings. And so can you. That magical being is known as a servitor.

A servitor is an entity created by using the concentrated energy of your imagination, creativity, emotions and intent.  This "being's" role is to serve you and is programmed at the time of its "conception" to carry out specific tasks that you have set for it in order to manifest certain desired outcomes. Bound to its creator's wishes, it is capable of reaching any location to do whatever you ask of it and of influencing people or situations according to your specific wishes. As time passes (provided that it is "fed") it will develop and become more effective. If enough energy is packed into this being, it can become so developed that you and sometimes even other people can sense its presence at times. 

Servitors are convenient because once you have set them a particular task, you only have to feed them now and again and can just leave them toget to work on your behalf while you get on with something else. 

 Creating Your Servitor

Conjuring this entity takes some initial pre-planning and you will need to have ready some writing paper or a notebook, a pen, plus perhaps a pencil, coloured pens or paints, etc, if you are going to be creating a sigil and/or an artistic image of the servitor.

Having an open mind is essential to this process. You cannot work with any magick effectively if you do not believe that there is at least a possibility that servitors exist and are capable of bringing you wished-for results.

 Your Servitor's Purpose 

You are creating your servitor because you wish to have magickal assistance in some matter or a goal that you would like to achieve.  Just like a real person, your servitor needs to have a reason for being - a purpose. Decide on your goal and what exactly you would like your servitor to do to in order to get the desired results. What steps might it take? What would it feel like once the goal has been realized? How would it affect you and other people? Spend some time planning it out. Make a list of all the tasks it is supposed to carry out in order to achieve that purpose. 

Practitioners use different servitors for different tasks. Whether you keep just one or several you can create them to: 

Help boost sales of a product you are marketing or improve your business

Increase wealth, income, money from unexpected sources, etc

Improve your health 

Problem-solve and provide you with insights

Help you to find lost items or bring you specific information

Influence a person or people of your choice

Improve your skill at various tasks, heighten creativity, increase knowledge, etc

Protect yourself, other people, your pets. your property, etc

Your Servitor's Name

A name will help you to call your servitor to you, and to dissolve it when and if the time comes.  Creating the name is fairly easy.  Rather than selecting a regular one like "John" or "Sally", it is instead obtained by taking a statement about the being's purpose and forming something unique out of it, in much the same way that you might create a sigil (only this time keeping some of the vowels so that the name has some structure and is easy to repeat). For example, if the servitor is created to "increase the sales of my artwork", you might form the name 'Incelar".

Deciding How Often Your Servitor Will Be Active 

Depending on what kind of servitor it is and what your particular goals are, you need to decide whether you want it to be active all the time, active in only certain situations, or active only when you summon it and give it a task. It is very important to state that your servitor will only come when you call it, and that it will never listen to or obey anyone else but you. This can't be stressed enough since the last thing you want is to have your servitor controlled by another person.


Now consider what kind of personality traits you would like your servitor to have. What will be its talents and abilities? How will it react in certain situations? Is it sensitive? Artistic? Cunning? Sensual? Funny? Serious? Write everything down, right to the smallest detail. Again as an example, if it has been created to protect you, this being should be loyal, valient, disciplined, sharp-minded, fit, agile, strong, good at coping with stress, etc. 


Now that you know its personality and purpose, you need to give your servitor form. List its physical characteristics. It can have whatever appearance you want: a human being (man or woman), any kind of real or mythological creature, a ball of energy - or any other form. You may want its general look and clothing, if it wears any, to correspond with the kind of purpose it has. For example, if it has been created to protect you or your property, you might want to give it the look of a powerful knight armed with shield and a sword, or a fearsome minotaur, and so on. If you want a servitor to boost wisdom, you might give it the appearance of a wise owl; if you are creating a servitor to enhance someone's feelings of attraction toward you, then you might give it the looks of a cupid, complete with bow and arrow, etc. Draw an image, too, or even make a plasticine or clay model of it if that will help. Be creative.

Creating a Sigil

You will need to create a sigil for your servitor, which can be made in the usual way (see the post on how to create a sigil), perhaps using the letters of your servitor's name or by simply drawing a simple symbol that pleases you. Do not destroy this sigil until you wish to end your servitor's life. However, over the days that you are creating your servitor and allowing it to gather energy, you can charge it by meditating on it or by using sexual energy, and so on. If you are meditating on your sigil, gaze at it and think of your servitor's name, its purpose, and any other details associated with it.


Your servitor needs a regular supply of "food" in order to keep it satisfied and ready to perform the goals you wish it to work on. Starving your servitor can cause it to weaken, fade out or become ineffective or rebellious over time, so be sure to feed it at least once every few days or so. You need to decide on what its sustenance will be, but it doesn't have to be provided with real edible offerings. "Food" can consist of nothing more than a different kind of energy: your praise, your gratitude for its services to you, your affection, your attention.  Just spend a moment or two every few days giving this loyal being a bit of appreciation. It is also a good idea to state during its birth ritual that it will automatically feed on sunlight, moonlight, or whatever, since this will give it a second feeding option if you ever forget to do it yourself.


You will need to decide on a place for your creation to live in. This could be in anything, but it needs to be something that will not perish during your servitor's lifetime and it should be the right size for you to be able to handle it easily. You might have a crystal or a stone or a shell, or a piece of jewelery, for example. Or it could live in a small box or a pencil. To add energy you could place your servitor's sigil underneath it, or stick it on the object, or even carve it into the object if you are to be keeping it long term. If it is to be a servitor who will be active indefinitely ou could construct the home out of, say, modelling clay or wood or cardboard, with its appearance in line with what might suit my being. I like to make a simple flat circle out of modelling clay which I then carve my servitor's sigil on to before drying it in the sunlight. Sometimes I paint it in the kind of colours that I believe will correspond with the being's personality traits and purpose. It is easy to store and doesn't create loads of clutter.


The life of a servitor can be for short term or long term, and you will have to decide at the outset how long you want it to be working for you. A lot will depend on what its purpose is. Some people give their servitors one main task and then destroy them once the goal has been reached. Other servitors run for several weeks or months. Still others are kept indefinitely and never dissolved. 

Ending Your Servitor's Life

There are many reasons why you might want to end the servitor's life - one of the main ones being that it has fulfilled its purpose and you no longer need it anymore.  Another reason to dissolve your servitor is if for whatever reason it has become problematic or turned rebel in some way.

If the time comes for you to end the servitor's life, you must call it to you and repeat a deadly word or "kill switch" to it (one that you have decided on prior to the creature's creation) three times. Then destroy its sigil. At that moment your being's life will come to an end. The word you choose is up to you and can be a made-up word, but you must state what that word is at the time of your servitor's birth. 

Once you have made your list, written down your detailed description of the servitor, constructed your sigil and decided on the entity's housing, put everything away somewhere for a few days and go about your life. Charge your sigil from time to time if you want, but otherwise, turn your attention to other things. If during this time new ideas emerge, add them to the description and allow the main picture to evolve. You can add, subtract and refine at any time during this phase.

Your Relationship With Your Servitor and How to Avoid it Going Rogue

There are stories over the internet about servitors rebelling against their owner or "going rogue". This is very unlikely to happen, but as safeguard, be sure to keep the relationship you have with yours good:

The servitor will remain under the control of you, its creator.  However, it should be treated with dignity and respect. Never talk down to it. Never scold it, starve it or treat it badly in any way. You will do best if you regard your servitor as a dear and wise friend that you cherish, but also one with whom you maintain the energy of you being the one who is in command. Feed it regularly, treat it well and it will be more likely to do a good job for you; it will remain loyal and will not wish to rebel or start going off doing its own thing.

The Birth of Your Servitor

After a few days have passed and some energy has accumulated in the sigil, it will be time to perform the ritual that will bring your servitor to life so that it can begin working for you. Work in a clean, dust-free environment where you will not be disturbed. Turn off your mobile phone and other electric equipment. You may wish to prepare the area by burning white sage first in order to cleanse the area of negative energy, and possibly have a piece of black tourmaline or clear quartz at hand to absorb any bad vibes that might be hanging around, but this is an optional step.  Have your notes plus a pen and/or pencil, your servitor's home and sigil ready in front of you.

On a sheet of paper copy out the sigil. Now gaze at the newly drawn sigil. 

While still gazing at the sigil, you now need to bring the entity to life by writing a statement, using the notes that you have written in advance.

As an example, if you are creating a protective servitor, write something along the lines of:

 "I am now bringing you to life my protective servitor, X (servitor's name). You are my loyal, brave spirit whose powers are the ability to protect. At my command you will go into the world in order to protect my property, according to my wishes. You will respond only to my voice and will obey no one but me . You will carry out all set tasks in a way that will work for the highest good of myself and all others. When I wish to call you, I will repeat X (your servitor's name) several times and give my command, which you shall obey. You will be fed regularly on my respect and gratitude, and you will live in my rose quartz crystal. When I wish to dissolve you, I will repeat X (the deadly word that will end your servitor's life) three times, I will destroy your sigil, and your life will end.  So be it, so it is".

The next step is to read out what you have written, as if you were reading it to your servitor.

Now you can send your servitor out to complete its first task. 

How To Evoke and Set A Task For Your Servitor

In order to give your servitor a task, you must bring a visual picture of it to mind and repeat its name several times. A lot of people like to repeat the name three times, and if you are familiar with telepathy this is in fact quite similar. But in any case, repeat the name a few times and you may start to feel a kind of "presence" as the servitor begins to take notice of you. Don't worry if this doesn't happen, but equally, don't be at all surprised if it does.  Once you have called it, know that it is in front of you and ready to be sent to carry out what you expect of it. Now you can tell it what you wish it to do. Give the command in a way that is at once welcoming, respectful and with an air of authority.

You must be sure to impress upon your servitor the exact way you want him to carry out the set task, and precisely what result you wish to achieve. Do not be vague about this as it could bring you poor or even unwanted results. Spend some time thinking about and writing down these details before you send your servitor out. If for example you want to increase your wealth, then you will want it to perhaps be through sudden success in your business rather than because a dear relative has died and left you in their will. Be sure to stress that no harm should come to anyone, and that this goal should be completed with the highest good of all in mind. Take into account any possible consequences if your servitor is to go to work on this goal.  Be clear in your mind about what you want. Be specific.


The first time you call your servitor and send it out on a mission you may find that the results are fairly weak initially. But keep in mind that repeated use and repeated feeding will cause the creature to evolve and mature. As it grows more powerful you can look forward to increasingly dramatic and pleasing results over time. The important thing is to let go of thinking about your goal from now on, and let the magick do its work. As with so many other rituals that involve magick or psi work, avoid waiting to see if there has been a result yet, and avoid impatience.

So, to sum up:

Write down your servitor's purpose.

Give it a name.

Describe its appearence and character traits.

Make it a sigil.

Decide on how often it will work for you.

Decide on it's housing.

Decide what you will feed it on.

Create a word to summon it with and state very clearly that it will respond to your call and command only and no one else's.

Create a "kill switch" word to dissolve it with.

Set aside a few days for the energy to build up, meditate on the sigil, etc.

Go through the ritual "The Birth of Your Servitor".

Call your servitor and send it out on its first mission.

Let go and give the servitor time to do its job.





