Ways to Banish Negative Energy from Your Living Space


Sometimes we can sense something not quite right about our living space, but can't place exactly why. We may feel a presence that makes us uncomfortable or something stale or negative in the atmosphere. There are many different reasons why undesirable energy contaminates an area: people living there may constantly be complaining or arguing; they may be experiencing negative feelings such as pessimism, anger, resentment or grief; they may have exhibited violent behaviour or emotions, etc.

If it's simply a question of negative behaviour causing the atmosphere to be somewhat "off", then a lot can be done to banish such energies from a living space in order to wipe the slate clean and create a more positive environment.

On a more extreme level, some people can find themselves living in a place that is actually haunted, or they end up on the receiving end of some bad intention or dark magick. If you are being bothered by evil spirits or have been cursed, then you will need to take more drastic action than is given in this post by having your living space blessed, or by enlisting the help of an expert who has an extensive knowledge in black magick. Whatever the case, cleansing the area as outlined below will do a lot to help and is the logical first step.

Steps to Rid Your Space of Negative Energy

A good spring cleaning will help to banish negative vibes. Begin by opening all the windows in the house and cleanse each room, one by one, working from the front door and working clockwise.  Clear away clutter, wipe all surfaces of dust (negative energy clings to dust), clear out cupboards and wardrobes, wipe down walls, sweep, mop and vacuum floors.  The act of sweeping with a broom is a good way to send the unwanted vibes out of the doorway. Pay special attention to all of the corners where energy tends to collect. 

As mentioned above, throwing out any unwanted clutter is advisable and cannot be over-emphasized, since energy clings to physical objects. When I was living in a haunted apartment, I discovered just by chance that throwing out the old kitchen cupboards, some tired bedroom furniture and a load of general clutter reduced the paranormal activity to almost nothing for a time.

Salt is an efficient neutralizer of negative or stagnant energy. If you feel that you need to cleanse yourself, you can prepare a salt bath (or use salt as a skin exfoliator if you only have a shower) which will wash away any bad vibes. For cleansing your home, sprinkle coarse sea salt all over the floor - again paying special attention to the corners of the room you are working on . Leave it there for a few hours and then vacuum it up. Discard the salt immediately or bury it in the earth.

Smudging - the process of burning sacred, fragrant herbs that allows you to shoo negative energy out of a living space - has been used as a cleanser since ancient times.  Sage in particular is a neutralizing agent and burning it is a popular practice for ridding any area of bad vibes:

How to Sage Your Home

White sage smudge sticks can be bought from specialists or made yourself. You will also need a medium-sized feather to fan and direct the smoke with.

Open the doors/windows before lighting the sage. This will give the negative energy an exit route once you begin the ritual. 

Repeat a mantra just before you begin smudging - one that you have decided on in advance, and can complete at the beginning of the ritual. It could be something like Maa Kali (repeated 108 times) - a popular mantra for removing evil spirits from one's home . 

Now hold your sage and light it, letting it burn for just under half a minute or so. Then softly blow out the flame. As you blow, the embers should glow orange and the air will be filled with the smell of the burning herb.

Starting from the front door and moving clockwise through all the rooms in the house, walk around with the herb in your hand and a feather in the other, using it as a fan to gently direct the smoke out of the windows and doors. Pay special attention to areas where the energy can accumulate, such as  doorways, corridors, corners, and the area in front of any mirrors that you have. 

Whenever you sage your home, avoid breathing in the resulting smoke and take the necessary and common-sense precautions to prevent fire. Avoid smudging over a carpet, for instance, and never allow any falling embers to burn without stamping them out. Never leave anything you burn unattended.

Once you feel ready to extinguish the herb, press its smoking end into something fireproof, such as a metal bowl, or into some earth.

Once your home has been cleansed, keep it that way

A monthly sageing/smudging of your home will help to control any future bad energy.

Use a Himalayan salt lamp.

Avoid "toxic" conversations, negative movies, negative music, and so on. Keep all of that out of your sacred space.

Burn a white candle.

Use crystals that are known to neutralize or absorb bad energy. Keep clear quartz and/or black tourmaline in all the rooms of your home. Black tourmaline soaks up negative energy fast. Rose quartz, which is the stone of universal love, is also a good one to have around since bad energy will have a harder time sticking if there is a positive vibration already in the atmosphere.

If you are comfortable with the idea of using an entity, create a servitor whose purpose is to protect your home from unwanted energies (see the post on how to create one). Sigils and talismans can also be helpful at keeping bad vibes away.

Hanging a bundle of cinnamon sticks over your front door works as a protection charm. Keeping sachets of bay leaves around the home will also have a protective effect.

Keep your living space as clean and clutter-free as possible.

Play Gregorian chant music, Tibetan monastery sounds, or "new age" music that has been specially created to discourage bad vibrations.
