Telepathy - Easy Way to Make Someone Contact You


This post is going to be a short one, but I have found the following method to be a highly effective way of using telepathy:

If you want to make someone think of you and contact you, then spend the next few days thinking about them intensely and fairly often. Choose someone you have had a reasonably good relationship with in the past (such as a family member or a friend or ex lover). Read old letters, remember old times, old conversations, listen to music that reminds you of them, look at old photos, and so on. Just occupy your mind with the person as much as possible. Immerse yourself in this for two or three days. 

When you do this, it's quite possible that the person will reach out in the days that follow, saying that they were thinking of you a great deal and had the urge to make contact.

Try it. Practice with it, and see whether it works for you.
